Tuesday, March 10, 2009


That is a good idea! on that<blog> After I read... Hey! what should i do with my free time?

"Use my free time to improve my English".

Anyway I'd used my native language at the Office, Actually all day. So How?
Maybe I should think about it... and make something, that can help;) learn?

"Learn something. Become an expert" Actually I'd like to be...

I'm not sure about that, when i will be... .

I'd used more free time on Socials, Forums and Blog , and Learning from some Documents! Perhaps that help me become an expert... some days!

Finally, that's not importance anyway, Because I am very happy with what I do, and that's the best thing i do! ...

1 comment:

Ittichai Chammavanijakul said...

Khun Surachart,

That is a good attitude.

Most people would recommend learning new technologies or programming languages on top of what you've already known. I agree that is a good thing especially making your resume more attractive in this kind of economy when you're more versatile.

But personally, if job security is not a concern, I would recommend branching out or doing something you've never done before. In addition to learning technology-related stuff, I’ve started learning Madarin Chinese speaking and doing lot of volunteering (math tutoring at local library, serving food to homeless at shelter, etc.). It has added into the mix of learning experiences, especially with meeting new people I’ve never thought I would ever meet if not doing this.

Good luck.