so, made simple testing about auto_start not equal 1
# /u01/oracle/product/crs/bin/crsctl start crs
Attempting to start Oracle Clusterware stack
The CRS stack will be started shortly
$ crs_stat -tASM1 didn't start automatic, try to manual start it:
Name Type Target State Host
ora.oratest01.ASM1.asm OFFLINE OFFLINE
ora.oratest01.LISTENER_ORATEST01.lsnr ONLINE ONLINE on oratest01
ora.oratest01.gsd ONLINE ONLINE on oratest01
ora.oratest01.ons ONLINE ONLINE on oratest01 ONLINE ONLINE on oratest01
$ srvctl start asm -n oratest01That can start +ASM1 by manual, What's happened?
$ crs_stat -t
ora.oratest01.ASM1.asm ONLINE ONLINE on oratest01
$ /u01/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_stat | grep NAME\= | grep asmthat showed auto_start=2: This means, after node reboot or when Oracle Clusterware is started, resources with AUTO_START=2 will need to be started
$ /u01/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_stat -p ora.oratest01.ASM1.asm
manually via srvctl.
have to change AUTO_START=1, How? (contact oracle support... Good Idea), Or... change it by manual.
- Stop asm before
$ srvctl stop asm -n oratest01- copy ASM1 profile, CRS_HOME/crs/public/ PATH and filename = "resource_name".cap
$ /u01/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_stat -p ora.oratest01.ASM1.asm > /u01/oracle/product/crs/crs/public/ora.oratest01.ASM1.asm.cap- unregister ASM1 resource
$ /u01/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_unregister ora.oratest01.ASM1.asm- Edit cap file (AUTO_START=1)
$ /u01/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_stat -p ora.oratest01.ASM1.asm
CRS-0210: Could not find resource 'ora.oratest01.ASM1.asm'.
$ vi /u01/oracle/product/crs/crs/public/ora.oratest01.ASM1.asm.cap
- register ASM1 resource to Cluster
$ /u01/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_register ora.oratest01.ASM1.asm- Check and Test
$ /u01/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_stat -p ora.oratest01.ASM1.asm
$ su - rootSuccess... ASM automatic started after when Oracle Clusterware is started.
# /u01/oracle/product/crs/bin/crsctl stop crs
Stopping resources.
This could take several minutes.
Successfully stopped Oracle Clusterware resources
Stopping Cluster Synchronization Services.
Shutting down the Cluster Synchronization Services daemon.
Shutdown request successfully issued.
# /u01/oracle/product/crs/bin/crsctl start crs
Attempting to start Oracle Clusterware stack
The CRS stack will be started shortly
$ crs_stat -t
Name Type Target State Host
ora.oratest01.ASM1.asm ONLINE ONLINE on oratest01
ora.oratest01.LISTENER_ORATEST01.lsnr ONLINE ONLINE on oratest01
ora.oratest01.gsd ONLINE ONLINE on oratest01
ora.oratest01.ons ONLINE ONLINE on oratest01 ONLINE ONLINE on oratest01
Hi Surachart, reading this post, I was curious, what version of the CRS are you using, and on what platform? I see the ASM instances autostart (with AUTO_START=1) on CRS (Linux and Solaris), without needing to change anything manually, so i was wondering. Thanks
Hi Niradj,
Thank You for your commend.
On some reason, we need to add asm resource to CRS by manual.
srvctl add asm -n nodename...
That can make AUTO_START=2 or (some parameters are not default)
by default AUTO_START = 1 on my 10gR2 too...
And This is my curious as well
"srvctl ... database" can set -y {AUTOMATIC | MANUAL}
with "srvctl ... asm" can not. it just does disable asm , but can not start asm by srvctl (must enable asm before).
I tested it on 11gR1.
Hi Surachart,
how do we change the for the service which we use it to connect the application users. auto_start=1.
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