Tuesday, July 21, 2009

use OSWatcher

I used OSWatcher to monitor CPU/Memory/Network to investigate the problem on servers. I think It's easy to setup. But I have to download it from metalink.
OS Watcher (OSW) is a collection of UNIX shell scripts intended to collect and archive operating system and network metrics to aid support in diagnosing performance issues. We can download it from metalink. OSW operates as a set of background processes on the server and gathers OS data on a regular basis, invoking such Unix utilities as vmstat, netstat and iostat.
More detail: metalink: 301137.1

After I downloaded it from metalink. It's time to setup:
$ ls osw212.tar

$ tar xvf osw212.tar

$ cd osw

Just extract from tar file... read README file and get idea with utility commands:

need 2 arguments which control the frequency that data is collected and the number of hours worth of data to archive.
An optional 3rd argument allows the user to specify a zip utility name to compressthe files after they have been created:

ARG1 = snapshot interval in seconds (default 30 seconds).
ARG2 = the number of hours of archive data to store (default 48 hours)
ARG3 (optional) = the name of the zip utility to run if the user wants to compress the files automatically after creation.

Info...You did not enter a value for snapshotInterval.
Info...Using default value = 30
Info...You did not enter a value for archiveInterval.
Info...Using default value = 48

./startOSW.sh 60 10 gzip
Info...Zip option IS specified.
Info...OSW will use gzip to compress files.
Starting OSWatcher V2.1.2 on Tue Jul 21 11:16:40 ICT 2009
With SnapshotInterval = 60
With ArchiveInterval = 10

stopOSW.sh script:


Or use "OSWatcher.sh" run to test:

$ ./OSWatcher.sh

Info...You did not enter a value for snapshotInterval.
Info...Using default value = 30
Info...You did not enter a value for archiveInterval.
Info...Using default value = 48

Testing for discovery of OS Utilities...

VMSTAT found on your system.
IOSTAT found on your system.
MPSTAT found on your system.
NETSTAT found on your system.
TOP found on your system.

Discovery completed.

Starting OSWatcher V2.1.2 on Tue Jul 21 10:29:55 ICT 2009
With SnapshotInterval = 30
With ArchiveInterval = 48

OSWatcher - Written by Carl Davis, Center of Expertise, Oracle Corporation

Starting Data Collection...

osw heartbeat:Tue Jul 21 10:29:55 ICT 2009


It's time to show it (TEST): Starting
$ ./startOSW.sh
Info...You did not enter a value for snapshotInterval.
Info...Using default value = 30
Info...You did not enter a value for archiveInterval.
Info...Using default value = 48

Testing for discovery of OS Utilities...

VMSTAT found on your system.
IOSTAT found on your system.
MPSTAT found on your system.
NETSTAT found on your system.
TOP found on your system.

Discovery completed.

Starting OSWatcher V2.1.2 on Tue Jul 21 10:34:24 ICT 2009
With SnapshotInterval = 30
With ArchiveInterval = 48

OSWatcher - Written by Carl Davis, Center of Expertise, Oracle Corporation

Starting Data Collection...

osw heartbeat:Tue Jul 21 10:34:24 ICT 2009
osw heartbeat:Tue Jul 21 10:34:55 ICT 2009
osw heartbeat:Tue Jul 21 10:35:25 ICT 2009
monitor!... and want to stop:
$ ./stopOSW.sh

What I see?

Archives 're stored in osw/archive/ PATH.
$ find ./archive/ -type f

From Archive Files, that can see stats. and use archives to make graph as well:
use OSWg(more detail: metalink 461053.1) generate graph (requires as a minimum java version 1.4.2 or higher), and need X-windows.

read OSWgREADME File to help generate Graph.
and test with some archives:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -version
java version "1.4.2_14"

$ $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar oswg.jar -i archive/

Starting OSWg V2.1.2
OSWatcher Graph Written by Oracle Center of Expertise
Copyright (c) 2008 by Oracle Corporation

Parsing Data. Please Wait...

Parsing file oratest01_iostat_09.07.21.1000.dat ...
Parsing file oratest01_iostat_09.07.21.1100.dat ...

Parsing Completed.

Enter 1 to Display CPU Process Queue Graphs
Enter 2 to Display CPU Utilization Graphs
Enter 3 to Display CPU Other Graphs
Enter 4 to Display Memory Graphs
Enter 5 to Display Disk IO Graphs

Enter 6 to Generate All CPU Gif Files
Enter 7 to Generate All Memory Gif Files
Enter 8 to Generate All Disk Gif Files

Enter L to Specify Alternate Location of Gif Directory
Enter T to Specify Different Time Scale
Enter D to Return to Default Time Scale
Enter R to Remove Currently Displayed Graphs
Enter P to Generate A Profile
Enter Q to Quit Program

Please Select an Option:5

The Following Devices and Average Service Times Are Ready to Display:

Device Name Average Service Times in Milliseconds

sda 2.0477464788732385
sdb 1.192676056338029

Specify A Case Sensitive Device Name to View (Q to exit): sda

these're graph example.

From menu, I can generate... CPU Process Queue Graphs, CPU Utilization Graphs, CPU Other Graphs, Memory Graphs, Disk IO Graphs


1 comment:

admin said...

very nice explanation. Umesh