Top 5 Timed Events Avg %Total~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wait CallEvent Waits Time (s) (ms) Time Wait Class------------------------- ------------ ----------- ------ ------ ----------row cache lock 509,761 1,259,315 2470 71.8 Concurrenc
ROW CACHE LOCK (DDL statements require "row cache lock" and session will wait "row cache lock" to lock the data dictionary)
And then check V$SESSION
SQL> select p1text,p1,p2text,p2,p3text,p3 from v$session where event = 'row cache lock';P1TEXT P1 P2TEXT P2 P3TEXT P3-------------- --------- -------------- --------- -------------- ----------cache id 13 mode 0 request 5cache id 13 mode 0 request 5cache id 13 mode 0 request 5cache id 13 mode 0 request 5cache id 13 mode 0 request 5cache id 13 mode 0 request 5cache id 13 mode 0 request 5
What I see? I need "cache id" to find on V$ROWCACHE (to check enqueue type)
Example: Enqueue Type
DC_TABLESPACESProbably the most likely is allocation of new extents. If extent sizes are set low then the application may constantly be requesting new extents and causing contention. Do you have objects with small extent sizes that are rapidly growing? (You may be able to spot these by looking for objects with large numbers of extents). Check the trace for insert/update activity, check the objects inserted into for number of extents.DC_SEQUENCESCheck for appropriate caching of sequences for the application requirements.DC_USERSDeadlock and resulting "WAITED TOO LONG FOR A ROW CACHE ENQUEUE LOCK!" can occur if a session issues a GRANT to a user, and that user is in the process of logging on to the database.DC_OBJECTSLook for any object compilation activity which might require an exclusive lock and thus block online activity.DC_SEGMENTSThis is likely to be down to segment allocation. Identify what the session holding the enqueue is doing and use errorstacks to diagnose.
To check on V$ROWCACHE
After check at v$rowcache, my point to SEQUENCE (DC_SEQUENCES). then I check ALL_SEQUENCES and then investigate how to solve...SQL> select PARAMETER ,COUNT ,GETS ,GETMISSES ,MODIFICATIONS from v$rowcache where cache#=13;PARAMETER COUNT GETS GETMISSES MODIFICATIONS--------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------dc_sequences 13 746449 210320 746449SQL> column pct_succ_gets format 999.9SQL> column updates format 999,999,999SQL> SELECT parameter, sum(gets), sum(getmisses), 100*sum(gets - getmisses) / sum(gets) pct_succ_gets, sum(modifications) updates FROM V$ROWCACHE WHERE gets > 0 GROUP BY parameter;PARAMETER SUM(GETS) SUM(GETMISSES) PCT_SUCC_GETS UPDATES---------------- ---------- -------------- ------------- ------------dc_constraints 4288 1455 66.1 4,288dc_object_ids 8161040 118929 98.5 5,482outstanding_alerts 2737095 2722712 .5 200dc_awr_control 31108 526 98.3 457dc_objects 21160173 145159 99.3 266,627dc_usernames 9387743 1349 100.0 0dc_table_scns 4658 4658 .0 0dc_users 94113064 2174 100.0 16dc_histogram_defs 7702201 783888 89.8 97,472kqlsubheap_object 153 36 76.5 0dc_profiles 1266752 13 100.0 0dc_object_grants 44530796 7547 100.0 0dc_histogram_data 2431665 377265 84.5 147,793dc_segments 1658801 347470 79.1 17,402dc_files 67249 6477 90.4 0dc_sequences 748386 210954 71.8 748,386dc_database_links 2552640 89 100.0 0dc_global_oids 850330 3091 99.6 0global database name 175908 174 99.9 0dc_tablespaces 42863352 137296 99.7 0dc_tablespace_quotas 14299 5277 63.1 576dc_rollback_segments 149604805 2673 100.0 949
SQL> select * from all_sequences order by last_number;SEQUENCE_OWNER SEQUENCE_NAME MIN_VALUE MAX_VALUE INCREMENT_BY C O CACHE_SIZE LAST_NUMBER------------ ---------- ---------- -------- ------------ - - ------- ---------APPUSER SEQ_XYZ 1 1.0000E+27 1 N N 0 34015364
This case, I solved it by "alter sequence ... cache ..."
Refer: RAC and Sequence
Very good blog. In my awr top 5 events showed row cache lock.Used your analyzis to get the parameter
SQL> select PARAMETER ,COUNT ,GETS ,GETMISSES ,MODIFICATIONS from v$rowcache where cache#=16;
-------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------
dc_histogram_defs 3613 68281440 15567045 9149
dc_histogram_data 409 11624107 1579635 271
dc_histogram_data 112 3627981 348943 33
3 rows selected.
how do i resolve this??
please check on
very good blog,for me a concurrent job waiting with row cache lock,used your analysis,i got as below;
SQL> select PARAMETER ,COUNT ,GETS ,GETMISSES ,MODIFICATIONS from v$rowcache where cache#=8;
-------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------
dc_objects 4453 267456 17342 1182
dc_object_grants 332 39721 529 0
Please suggest me how do i resolve this?
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