Tuesday, March 01, 2011

What is ipmitool?

What is IPMI? The Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) specification is an Intel-led standard that defines a set of common interfaces to a computer system that system administrators can use to monitor system health and manage the system.
IPMI provides monitoring, management voltage, temperature, fans, power supplies, hardware inventory information and etc.

What is ipmitool? impitool is a utility for managing and configuring devices that support the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) version 1.5 and version 2.0 specifications.

On this article, I just posted samples to use "ipmitool" on Sun Server.
# # ipmitool -help
ipmitool version
Example: "ipmitool" command
# ipmitool lan print
Set in Progress : Set Complete
Auth Type Support : NONE MD2 MD5 PASSWORD
Auth Type Enable : Callback : MD2 MD5 PASSWORD
: Operator : MD2 MD5 PASSWORD
: Admin : MD2 MD5 PASSWORD
: OEM :
IP Address Source : Static Address
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
MAC Address :
SNMP Community String : public
IP Header : TTL=0x00 Flags=0x00 Precedence=0x00 TOS=0x00
BMC ARP Control : ARP Responses Disabled, Gratuitous ARP Disabled
Gratituous ARP Intrvl : 5.0 seconds
Default Gateway IP :
Default Gateway MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00
Backup Gateway IP :
Backup Gateway MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00
802.1q VLAN ID : Disabled
802.1q VLAN Priority : 0
RMCP+ Cipher Suites : 2,3,0
Cipher Suite Priv Max : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
: X=Cipher Suite Unused
: u=USER

# ipmitool chassis status
System Power : on
Power Overload : false
Power Interlock : inactive
Main Power Fault : false
Power Control Fault : false
Power Restore Policy : previous
Last Power Event :
Chassis Intrusion : inactive
Front-Panel Lockout : inactive
Drive Fault : false
Cooling/Fan Fault : false

# ipmitool power status
Chassis Power is on

# ipmitool sensor list

# ipmitool sensor list | grep degree
ESMR/T_AMB | na | degrees C | na | -10.000 | -5.000 | 0.000 | 50.000 | 55.000 | 60.000
T_OUT0 | 32.000 | degrees C | ok | na | na | na | 55.000 | 60.000 | 65.000
T_OUT1 | 34.000 | degrees C | ok | na | na | na | 55.000 | 60.000 | 65.000
T_OUT2 | 30.000 | degrees C | ok | na | na | na | 55.000 | 60.000 | 65.000
T_AMB | 20.000 | degrees C | ok | 5.000 | na | na | na | na | na

# ipmitool sunoem cli "show /SYS/T_AMB value"
Connected. Use ^D to exit.
-> show /SYS/T_AMB value

value = 20.000 degree C

-> Session closed
Print Product Serial Number:
# ipmitool sunoem cli "show /SYS product_serial_number"
Connected. Use ^D to exit.
-> show /SYS product_serial_number

product_serial_number = < SERIAL NUMBER >

-> Session closed
Print about BIOS:
# ipmitool sunoem cli "show /SYS/MB/BIOS"
Print System Event Log:
# ipmitool sel list
Or use Execute SP CLI:
# ipmitool sunoem cli
Connected. Use ^D to exit.
-> show /SYS/T_AMB value
show /SYS/T_AMB value

value = 19.000 degree C
ipmitool - utility for controlling IPMI-enabled devices.
IPMI improves server management and helps reduce costs. IPMI helps lower the overall costs of server management by enabling customers to save time, maximize IT resources and potentially manage multivendor environments in the same way.

Learn More:

IPMItool Homepage
Intelligent Platform Management Interface Specification
OpenIPMI Homepage
FreeIPMI Homepage

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